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How to pronounce "vacationed"

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We vacationed in France together.

The Anatomy of Flavor _ Tyler Florence Fresh _ Talks at Google

Duration: 4s   Details
because that is where they had vacationed.

The Monopolists - Obsession, Fury, and the Scandal Behind _ Mary Pilon _ Talks at Google

Duration: 3s   Details
earlier, like before the show, because we vacationed

Wreck-It Ralph _ Rich Moore _ Talks at Google

Duration: 6s   Details
And we vacationed for like 12 years Westport, same house.

Out of Line - A Life of Playing with Fire _ Barbara Lynch _ Talks at Google

Duration: 5s   Details
and we vacationed, and I came to Uganda multiple times.

Mary Louise Parker & Okello Kelo Sam _ Forged by Fire _ Talks at Google

Duration: 10s   Details
the beach where our president and his family vacationed before moving to Washington.


Duration: 4s   Details