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How to pronounce "sodium-"

Matches found: 5 (39 ms)
the flow of dissolved salts -- like sodium and potassium -- across cell membranes.

Do Fish Drink Water

Duration: 5s   Details
The LD50 of sodium cyanide, a common form, is 6.4 mg per kg of bodyweight,

Top 5 Deadliest Substances on Earth

Duration: 7s   Details
Sodium amytal was commonly used during the first World War, for example,

257 20141208 - The Truth About 'Truth Serum'

Duration: 4s   Details
They tried sodium amytal on him three years ago, to find out...

Red Dragon (2002)

Duration: 4s   Details
I mean, add sodium to chlorine and you get table salt.

Why Is Fluoride Good for Teeth

Duration: 4s   Details