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How to pronounce "plasma"

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But we cannot replicate that gravity on Earth, so our plasma needs to be that much hotter

Top 10 New Species and the First Fusion Reactor

Duration: 6s   Details
But even though plasma essentially comes from gas, it acquires so many special properties

Plasma, The Most Common Phase of Matter in the Universe

Duration: 5s   Details
So sure, you’ll find plasma in all kinds of places on Earth, but in space, this stuff

Plasma, The Most Common Phase of Matter in the Universe

Duration: 5s   Details
right - until the plasma cooled enough to become transparent so the light could start

A Polarizing Discovery About the Big Bang!

Duration: 5s   Details
stars are actually big hot ROUND balls of plasma and far enough away that they're basically

112 - Why are Stars Star-Shaped

Duration: 6s   Details