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How to pronounce "pheromone"

Matches found: 5 (6 ms)
Pheromones are made of all different kinds of molecules, and they’re usually detected

Do Humans Have Pheromones

Duration: 10s   Details
But while pheromones are supposed to aid in communication within a species, sometimes

Do Humans Have Pheromones

Duration: 5s   Details
the actions of pheromones -- chemical signals that help some species communicate.

Do Humans Have Pheromones

Duration: 5s   Details
So if pheromones do influence our behavior, the effects are likely much more subtle.

Do Humans Have Pheromones

Duration: 5s   Details
Pheromones may even help save human lives -- some researchers are looking at using these

Do Humans Have Pheromones

Duration: 5s   Details