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How to pronounce "neutrino"

Matches found: 5 (17 ms)
the most famous of which is the electron but also including neutrinos.

Weak Interaction - The Four Fundamental Forces of Physics #2

Duration: 4s   Details
Both detectors work in pretty much the same way, looking for the tiny flashes neutrinos

The 2015 Nobel Prizes!

Duration: 4s   Details
So let's go visit the OPERA experiment in Italy and try to catch some neutrinos! The

Faster Than Light Neutrinos (maybe) - Field Trip!

Duration: 5s   Details
Neutrinos also tell us that the universe is not the same as its mirror image. If you switch

What is a Neutrino

Duration: 5s   Details
That's the weak force, right there. The neutrino, having lost a positive boson,

Weak Interaction - The Four Fundamental Forces of Physics #2

Duration: 6s   Details