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JKC: Than being susceptible to syndromes and stuff like that...

SciShow Talk Show - The History of Gender & Kiki the Domestic Cat

Duration: 4s   Details
HG: Right. JKC: whenever she needs, and actually extra

SciShow Talk Show - John Roach on Ecology & Freckles the Leopard Gecko

Duration: 4s   Details
JKC: She needs a YouTube channel.

SciShow Talk Show - The History of Gender & Kiki the Domestic Cat

Duration: 3s   Details
biggest tails Jessi. JKC: Oh, thank you. Yeah. Here. I'll

SciShow Talk Show - John Roach on Ecology & Freckles the Leopard Gecko

Duration: 3s   Details
HG: Just carrying around its- JKC: Absorb it.

SciShow Talk Show - John Roach on Ecology & Freckles the Leopard Gecko

Duration: 3s   Details