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How to pronounce "jessi:"

Matches found: 5 (27 ms)
Jessi: Yeah, he might not appreciate if you touch it.

SciShow Talk Show - Dr. Heiko Langner on Birds and Bioaccumulation

Duration: 4s   Details
Jessi: Most animals are pretty particular about their tails. They like to protect them.

SciShow Talk Show - Dr. Heiko Langner on Birds and Bioaccumulation

Duration: 5s   Details
JESSI: Yeah, well these guys, they kind of have a...

SciShow Talk Show - Animal Adaptaions with Biologist Jeff Good & Jessi Knudsen Castañeda

Duration: 5s   Details
Jessi: Crap. Hank: *laughing* You hit the button!

SciShow Quiz Show - Jessi Knudsen Castañeda

Duration: 5s   Details
Jessi: Um, you know, I don't really know. I mean..

SciShow Talk Show - The Clitoris & Wilbur the Hognose Snake

Duration: 4s   Details