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How to pronounce "jeremy:"

Matches found: 5 (27 ms)
Jeremy: 80,000 people a year die from animal contact and that - more people die from snake

SciShow Talk Show - Writer Jeremy Smith, Measuring Health & Freya the Pine Snake

Duration: 7s   Details
Jeremy: I think I just wanna know if I was gonna die, you know it could fall on me and

SciShow Talk Show - Writer Jeremy Smith, Measuring Health & Freya the Pine Snake

Duration: 3s   Details
Jeremy Howard: Well, that was at a machine learning conference in China.


Duration: 4s   Details
Jeremy: Yeah, you don't wanna just live as long as possible, you wanna live as well as

SciShow Talk Show - Writer Jeremy Smith, Measuring Health & Freya the Pine Snake

Duration: 4s   Details
Hank: Well, no, I'm the show part of SciShow, thank you very much. Um, Jeremy has written

SciShow Talk Show - Writer Jeremy Smith, Measuring Health & Freya the Pine Snake

Duration: 7s   Details