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How to pronounce "forwards"

Matches found: 5 (4 ms)
When driving forwards, a car goes in the direction the front wheels are pointed. And when driving

Why is it Harder to Drive Backwards

Duration: 5s   Details
to a time and place in your own past. It's a little like how you can keep moving forwards

3 Simple Ways to Time Travel (& 3 Complicated Ones)

Duration: 5s   Details
But most of the world in the middle are pushing forwards very fast.


Duration: 6s   Details
like you were moving forwards in time, but overall you'd loop around and travel back

3 Simple Ways to Time Travel (& 3 Complicated Ones)

Duration: 5s   Details
that going forwards, the direction of travel is determined by the same wheels you steer

Why is it Harder to Drive Backwards

Duration: 5s   Details