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How to pronounce "excreta"

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Once they’ve had their fill, they travel back up to the top and excrete enzymes onto

How Ants Take Care of Their Farms

Duration: 5s   Details
And that’s how your body excretes waste, is through your breath,


Duration: 3s   Details
so you're eating a lot of mercury and the mercury all stays around, you don't excrete

SciShow Talk Show - Dr. Heiko Langner on Birds and Bioaccumulation

Duration: 6s   Details
your toilet that isn’t your own excreta? Well, before it flows into your local treatment

What Happens After You Flush

Duration: 6s   Details
Aphids eat phloem, the part of a plant that transports sugar, and they excrete a waste

How Ants Take Care of Their Farms

Duration: 5s   Details