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Ellen: Exactly, yeah. There's different kinds of poop you get excited about, you don't get

SciShow Talk Show - Ellen Whittle on Bats, and Carlos the Sinaloan Milk Snake

Duration: 5s   Details
Ellen: They do, and that's - this is the fun part of studying bats, its kinda like a grand

SciShow Talk Show - Ellen Whittle on Bats, and Carlos the Sinaloan Milk Snake

Duration: 5s   Details
Ellen: Yeah... so, um, actually, the love came after the working with bats -

SciShow Talk Show - Ellen Whittle on Bats, and Carlos the Sinaloan Milk Snake

Duration: 4s   Details
bats. Or evidence of the bats. Ellen: Oh, well evidence of bats is a different

SciShow Talk Show - Ellen Whittle on Bats, and Carlos the Sinaloan Milk Snake

Duration: 5s   Details
Ellen: Yeah. Yeah, it's much more unusual. We didn't know actually going into it if bats

SciShow Talk Show - Ellen Whittle on Bats, and Carlos the Sinaloan Milk Snake

Duration: 5s   Details