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How to pronounce "ellen"

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Jessi: No, I said it backwards. Ellen: Red and yellow is -

SciShow Talk Show - Ellen Whittle on Bats, and Carlos the Sinaloan Milk Snake

Duration: 3s   Details
talking to Ellen before the show, and she's a little bit enthusiastic about bats.

SciShow Talk Show - Ellen Whittle on Bats, and Carlos the Sinaloan Milk Snake

Duration: 4s   Details
Ellen: No. Hank: How many, how many of your bridges had

SciShow Talk Show - Ellen Whittle on Bats, and Carlos the Sinaloan Milk Snake

Duration: 3s   Details
Ellen: And when I'm really lucky, there's bats.

SciShow Talk Show - Ellen Whittle on Bats, and Carlos the Sinaloan Milk Snake

Duration: 3s   Details
Ellen: I do too! I wanna help find out.

SciShow Talk Show - Ellen Whittle on Bats, and Carlos the Sinaloan Milk Snake

Duration: 3s   Details