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How to pronounce "d68"

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and the Enterovirus D68.

Shoot to Win _ Chris Cheng _ Talks at Google

Duration: 4s   Details
D68 even though it's not new.

Coming Soon - 12 Billion People on Earth

Duration: 3s   Details
It also includes D68, a rare, obscure strain that's causing a rash of hospitalizations,

Coming Soon - 12 Billion People on Earth

Duration: 7s   Details
especially among children. D68 is different from other enteroviruses in that it almost

Coming Soon - 12 Billion People on Earth

Duration: 6s   Details
so when outbreaks of D68 were reported in Japan, the Philippines, and the Netherlands

Coming Soon - 12 Billion People on Earth

Duration: 5s   Details
intestines, but because D68 kept a low profile, it became so obscure that no one kept any

Coming Soon - 12 Billion People on Earth

Duration: 6s   Details