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Cómo se pronuncia "strontium"

Resultados encontrados: 4 (36 ms)
And then, the strontium you eat and drink gets incorporated into your teeth!

Strontium - It Knows Where You've Been

Duración: 4s   Detalles
But recently, they tested the strontium in the victims’ teeth -- and it turned out

Strontium - It Knows Where You've Been

Duración: 4s   Detalles
I could measure how much of the element strontium is in them.

Strontium - It Knows Where You've Been

Duración: 4s   Detalles
But another thing that’s cool about it is that, most strontium doesn’t start out as

Strontium - It Knows Where You've Been

Duración: 5s   Detalles