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Cómo se pronuncia "scatters"

Resultados encontrados: 5 (960 ms)
looks blue during the day is that sunlight scatters off of the atmosphere - if we didn’t

Why is it Dark at Night

Duración: 5s   Detalles
infrared – but still, only a tiny bit of light scatters while most of it goes straight

Why is the Sun Yellow and the Sky Blue

Duración: 5s   Detalles
light it scatters. Sure, it does scatter blue light more than red light; in fact, the higher

Why is the Sun Yellow and the Sky Blue

Duración: 6s   Detalles
and scatters the templates through the ocean.


Duración: 3s   Detalles
the frequency of light, the more it gets scattered by the atmosphere, so ultraviolet scatters

Why is the Sun Yellow and the Sky Blue

Duración: 5s   Detalles