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Cómo se pronuncia "heiko"

Resultados encontrados: 3 (19 ms)
Heiko: It's very exciting, because well if there is a source, you can easily clean it

SciShow Talk Show - Dr. Heiko Langner on Birds and Bioaccumulation

Duración: 7s   Detalles
Heiko: The globally largest source is mercury that rains down on us in what we call "atmospheric

SciShow Talk Show - Dr. Heiko Langner on Birds and Bioaccumulation

Duración: 12s   Detalles
Heiko: Exactly. Yeah, so we sometimes assume about a factor of 10. So if they are big fish

SciShow Talk Show - Dr. Heiko Langner on Birds and Bioaccumulation

Duración: 8s   Detalles