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How to pronounce "z-axis"

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adds the z-axis, time?

Action Adventures Potential Future _ John Werner _ Talks at Google

Duration: 3s   Details
I am going through the z-axis.


Duration: 3s   Details
And then in the z-axis we can make

Extreme-3D Printing _ Walter Voit _ Talks at Google

Duration: 3s   Details
number of views that the video has gotten, the z axis is another parameter, that once

StudioIMC _ James Tunick & Jack Toolin _ Talks at Google

Duration: 7s   Details
And that location on the Z axis is roughly the same as the point I am fixating.

Fixing My Gaze _ Susan Barry _ Talks at Google

Duration: 8s   Details
And it can enter the z-axis and I'll show that. And that they'd be cluster of these

Digital Art _ Rachel Armstrong & Mitchell Joachim _ Talks at Google

Duration: 9s   Details