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How to pronounce "bic"

Matches found: 8 (360 ms)
An example, Bic, the French company founded after World

_ Luc de Brabandere & Alan Iny _ Talks at Google

Duration: 6s   Details
Somebody was smart and put a Bic pen in my neck


Duration: 4s   Details
You had an interesting example of Bic and the pens, and how

_ Luc de Brabandere & Alan Iny _ Talks at Google

Duration: 4s   Details
And then he had drawn on a mustache in Bic pen and said,

The Disaster Artist _ James Franco _ Talks at Google

Duration: 10s   Details
War II by Marcel Bic, for 30 years they made only pens.

_ Luc de Brabandere & Alan Iny _ Talks at Google

Duration: 7s   Details
swirly kind you would make if your Bic pen were running out of ink, except blown up four

Why do People Get Bored in Museums _ Amy Whitaker _ Talks at Google

Duration: 5s   Details
ha actuado como bic es un ejemplo de la vida diaria de una jaula de faraday por

Cómo sobrevivir a un rayo

Duration: 5s   Details
what it is, okay? You have to perform an emergency tracheotomy with you Bic pen on one kid, while

Bad Mothers _ Ayelet Waldman _ Talks at Google

Duration: 8s   Details