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How to pronounce "abell"

Matches found: 8 (56 ms)
And Stig Abell, of course, didn't

A Very Short Introduction to the English Language _ Simon Horobin _ Talks at Google

Duration: 2s   Details
Stig Abell, responded to the news of this announcement

A Very Short Introduction to the English Language _ Simon Horobin _ Talks at Google

Duration: 4s   Details
at One," Stig Abell began by immediately conceding

A Very Short Introduction to the English Language _ Simon Horobin _ Talks at Google

Duration: 5s   Details
So this is obviously the sense that Stig Abell

A Very Short Introduction to the English Language _ Simon Horobin _ Talks at Google

Duration: 3s   Details
incorrectly, rather Stig Abell chose to deliberately misread

A Very Short Introduction to the English Language _ Simon Horobin _ Talks at Google

Duration: 6s   Details
I suspect Stig Abell, editor of the "TLS,"

A Very Short Introduction to the English Language _ Simon Horobin _ Talks at Google

Duration: 3s   Details
So we had a debate between Stig Abell and reformed pedant

A Very Short Introduction to the English Language _ Simon Horobin _ Talks at Google

Duration: 5s   Details
A poetic image for a story on Tolstoy, by Sam Abell.


Duration: 4s   Details