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How to pronounce "calorie"

Matches found: 5 (23 ms)
And in just nine days - again, eating the SAME number of calories as they always ate,

Social Interaction and the 'Bliss Molecule'

Duration: 5s   Details
to 1,000 of the “small calories” that chemists use to measure energy.

World's Most Asked Questions - How Many Calories Should I Have in a Day

Duration: 5s   Details
space. In evolutionary terms, this could be a big benefit, because about 20% of the calories

SciShow Quiz Show - With the Brain Scoop's Emily Graslie!

Duration: 5s   Details
from a calorie from protein. No matter what you eat, your body is eventually going to

6 Common Misconceptions About Cancer

Duration: 6s   Details
-- like when it’s getting way fewer calories than usual, all in the form of juice.

3 Misconceptions About Juice Cleanses

Duration: 6s   Details