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How to pronounce "wart"

Matches found: 8 (216 ms)
Warte nur...

Das Leben der Anderen (2006)

Duration: 3s   Details
It's the Elvis wart.

The New Science of De-extinction _ Helen Pilcher _ Talks at Google

Duration: 4s   Details
Ah, mein Lieblingsregisseur! Warte doch mal!

Das Leben der Anderen (2006)

Duration: 3s   Details
by making this big acrylic wart on top.

Going the Last Seven Miles _ Don Walsh _ Talks at Google

Duration: 4s   Details
im Stich gelassen. Getreu dem Befehl des Führers wart ihr,

Der Untergang (2004)

Duration: 5s   Details
Warte doch mal einen Moment. Ich muss mit dir reden.

Das Leben der Anderen (2006)

Duration: 4s   Details
is a test tube of formaldehyde, and it has a wart.

The New Science of De-extinction _ Helen Pilcher _ Talks at Google

Duration: 4s   Details
And before he went into military service, the wart was removed.

The New Science of De-extinction _ Helen Pilcher _ Talks at Google

Duration: 4s   Details