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How to pronounce "m2"

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between M0, M1, and M2.

Quantum Computing, AI and Blockchain - The Future of IT _ Shoucheng Zhang _ Talks at Google

Duration: 3s   Details
to this framework of M1, M2.

Quantum Computing, AI and Blockchain - The Future of IT _ Shoucheng Zhang _ Talks at Google

Duration: 4s   Details
So my idea of M0, M1, M2, the fundamental anchor

Quantum Computing, AI and Blockchain - The Future of IT _ Shoucheng Zhang _ Talks at Google

Duration: 5s   Details
The current world will have M0, M1, M2, different layers.

Quantum Computing, AI and Blockchain - The Future of IT _ Shoucheng Zhang _ Talks at Google

Duration: 6s   Details
low concentrations but when it gets really acidic, to M1, M2, it tends to dissolve a

SciShow Talk Show - Dr. Heiko Langner on Birds and Bioaccumulation

Duration: 9s   Details