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How to pronounce "e-r-s"

Matches found: 4 (696 ms)
E-R-S, as in "Satan."

The Uninvited (2009)

Duration: 4s   Details
That's W-E-A-N-E-R-S-- they don't become the other kind

From Silicon Valley to Swaziland _ Rick Walleigh + More _ Talks at Google

Duration: 4s   Details
G-O-U-M-I-E-R-S, you'll see this longer documentary.

Two Women _ San Francisco Opera _ Talks at Google

Duration: 7s   Details
of you become better bowlers, B-O-W-L-E-R-S. All right.

Positive Leadership - Strategies for Extraordinary Performance _ Kim Cameron _ Talks at Google

Duration: 5s   Details