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How to pronounce "c60"

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It’s also called a buckyball, for short. Chemists call it C60.

Buckyball - Tiny Carbon Soccer Balls

Duration: 4s   Details
And I say fullerenes, plural, because while C60 and a little C70 were the most common

Buckyball - Tiny Carbon Soccer Balls

Duration: 6s   Details
And even though it’s really soft under normal conditions, C60 can be compressed between

Buckyball - Tiny Carbon Soccer Balls

Duration: 5s   Details
We’ve also figured out that clouds of buckminsterfullerene are pretty common in space--and solid C60

Buckyball - Tiny Carbon Soccer Balls

Duration: 6s   Details
But here on this planet, it’s taken a while to get a bead on exactly what C60 can do for

Buckyball - Tiny Carbon Soccer Balls

Duration: 5s   Details
That free electron in each of the carbon atoms gives C60 a lot of flexibility and a high

Buckyball - Tiny Carbon Soccer Balls

Duration: 6s   Details